The membership fees for 2025 are listed below.

Membership TypeDetailsAnnual Cost
FamilyAny genuine family unit, normally living at one address; married couples,  unmarried partners, single parents, and any related children under 18.£160
FullIndividual adult member only.
(This can be converted to Family Membership if and when appropriate)
Young AdultIndividual adults under 24 years of age, who are not students.£97
StudentAdults in full-time further education, and under 24 years of age.£67
JuniorYoung person under 18.£32
Watersport Family(non sailing) See notes above for family membership.£108
Watersport Full(non sailing) See notes above for full membership.£103
AssociateSocial (non watersport) member£66

The additonal boat strage fees are:

Boat GroupDetailsAnnual Cost
Dinghy Group 1Racked dinghies  (Topper,  Laser, etc)£68
Dinghy Group 2Small dinghies, up to 1.5m beam and up to 4.3m long£84
Dinghy Group 3Medium dinghies, up to 1.8m beam or up to 4.6m long£98
Dinghy Group 4Large dinghies, over 1.8m beam or over 4.6m long£113
Watersports EquipmentSail boards, SUPs, Kayaks etc.£32

Fees may be reduced on a pro-rata basis after the start of the season, please ask the membership secretary for details.