Saturday 17th to Sunday 18th September 2022, race 1 start time: 13:00 hours (Saturday).
Matt Carter and LSC members are looking forward to welcoming you to the inaugural RS700 Open. With a long history of open meetings, our fingers are crossed for classic Lancing beach conditions … sun, wind and waves! Join us for the final event of the 2022 Rooster National Tour.
We plan 6 races over the weekend, 3 back-to-back each day. Briefing Saturday Midday, first race start 13.00 hours. The first race starts on Sunday at 10.30 hours.
We will be running a social event and grub on Saturday night – more details to follow.
Eligibility and Entry
Online entry is now Closed, please make your (late entry) in person at the clubhouse – Entry list
Entry Fee: £25 before 4th September (£30* thereafter).
On the day, check-in and late entry* will open in the clubhouse from 09:00 hours.
If you have entered online, please check in on arrival in the clubhouse – Check-in will open from 09:00 hours.
Entry queries email sailingsec@lancingsc.org.uk
*Entry is subject to the terms detailed on the Notice of Race (NOR), Supplementary Sailing Instructions
Further information
Refreshments are available at the clubhouse – card payment only.
Car parking/drop-off – Vehicles are NOT to drive up the Shopsdam Road access track to the
beach. Once the dinghy is unloaded at the bottom of the track, please park your vehicle on neighbouring
roads. Assistance will be on hand to assist/direct you from 09.00 hours and again at the close of the day.
Club Directions: satnav postcode is BN15 8ES. what3words: ///dared.daring.moment
Accommodation: There is plenty of local accommodation; for details click on the links here: airbnb and campsite